200 CMH Road
Sulphur Springs, TX 75483
For an immediate quote on Atlas Shelters, please text message Ron at 1-323-353-3506 (click to text) your desired shelter type + size. But you can also submit your detailed request on the form below.

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ATLAS SURVIVAL SHELTERS, LLC is an underground NBC survival and bomb shelter manufacturer based in Texas serving all of the United States – but especially Texas, California, Utah, and Arizona.
We manufacture all sorts of survival shelters used to protect you and your family in case of a pandemic outbreak, civil unrest, malicious mobs, and biological nuclear FALLOUT or EMP attacks from homegrown terrorists or other nations. We have shelters for your backyard or your private land. These Underground Cabins are comfortable enough to be used regularly by weekend campers or deer hunters.
Our world headquarters is located just an hour east of Dallas, Texas. This plant manufactures shelters with sizes ranging from the affordable BombNado that goes in under new homes being constructed to the popular round culvert pipes which have been around for decades to the Billionaire class poured-in-place concrete hardened bunkers that cost into the millions.
We have engineers and a staff of project managers that travel the globe installing and supervising projects from small residential to large military projects.

Our main plant in Texas always has a large volume of pre-manufactured steel bunker models on display and our showroom is open to the public. Our NBC Air Filtration Systems are produced in Switzerland by a well-established company called Andair which supplies the entire Swiss Army and every home in Switzerland.
We have engineers and a staff of project managers that travel the globe installing and supervising projects from small residential to large military projects.

All Atlas Survival shelters are designed to be air-tight and all our shelters have our proprietory Co2 air scrubbers that will remove the carbon dioxide out of the shelter when you shut down your air system or if your air pipes have been blocked.
We have hundreds of dealers worldwide and every one of them is factory-trained and certified to install our shelters. We do not know where our shelters are installed, therefore your privacy is guaranteed. Its founder and owner, R.D. Hubbard, is a multiple award-winning designer and fabricator and has been in steel manufacturing since 1981.

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